Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Grand Canyon and Zion National Park

Dad and I had a busy day yesterday...starting with a 5am wake-up! We decided drag ourselves out of bed to go see the sunrise at the Grand Canyon (with a pit stop at McDonalds to get a large coffee for me!). It was absolutely incredible and so worth it. We had a perfect morning- crystal clear and not too cold. There were quite a few people there who clearly had the same idea we did. I overheard one guy say to his wife after the sun had come up "Ok it's up. Now where are my pancakes??" I'm sure sunset would have also been beautiful but unfortunately we didn't have the time to find out. We are on our last week with still so much to do! I am just glad we got to go for a little while - I think everyone should see the Grand Canyon. Sure some people might think it's just a hole in the ground but to stand next to something so completely massive and nature-made, it's really quite humbling. After leaving the Grand Canyon, Dad and I headed towards Zion National Park in Utah, about a 5-6 hour drive. Zion is such an incredible park. I wish we could have spent more time there. We did get to go for a hike though (and sweat our asses off - it was HOT and hardly any shade! Probably a good thing we went for the easier of the two hikes we were looking at!). Such a beautiful place though. Seeing the red, pink, and white rocks against the brilliant blue sky was amazing. After our hike we drove about an hour to Cedar City, UT for the night. We are now headed to Bryce Canyon National Park, UT. Dad forgot to clean the windshield this morning and he just pulled over and gave it a spit-shine (literally). Awesome.

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